International market research and marketing

 International market research

The goal of any business is to make a profit and reach a real customer. And certainly without market research you can not have a clear understanding of the customer and the needs of the market. Gathering data on the amount of demand in a market and its characteristics, as well as evaluating the amount of sales, are the most important tasks that market research seeks to do. Topics covered in market research are usually done for the following:

 A- Market research and identification and characteristics of the consumer market

In this section, it is examined

 B- Product study Identify the type of product required by the customer

Identify the type of product required by the customer – In this research, customer satisfaction with the product and possible product defects are evaluated.

 C – Customer study – is the most important part that is examined and analyzed in market research. And identifies the interests, motivations, preferences and behaviors of customers that provide good information to the employer.

 D- Price Study Market research determines the price of competitors in that market. And in terms of product quality and product brand, recognizes the right price to enter that market.